Thursday, March 18, 2010


This week we have had some fun with similes. Students learned that they are an example of figurative language -- they thought that was hard to remember! Basically they know that a simile must include the words "like" or "as" and that they have to compare two things. We discussed that authors use similes so that readers can form pictures in their heads while they are reading. We will learn other examples of figurative language in the next couple of weeks: personification and onomonopeia. Here are some of 2A's similes...enjoy!

The room is as quiet as a lamb.
I am as calm as a kitten. (Jenna)
I am as tall as a dinsaur. (Kael)
I am as loud as a lion. (Emma)
My brother is loud like a dinosaur. (Austin)
I am as rough as a dog. (Alex)
I am as fast as a cheetah. (Donavyn)
I as tough as a rhino. (Bryer)
I am fast like a dog. (Dylan)
The clouds are white like snow.
I am as caring as kitten. (Kailyn)
The lollipop is sweet like honey.
My brother is like a bossy r. (Kael)
The waves are as calm as flowers.
My sister is as nice as a kitten.
Fires are as wild as a shark.
I am as smart as a teacher. (Angelina)
Rock stars are as wild as chimpanzees.

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