Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cadets for a Cause

We had our kick off for Cadets for a Cause this week.  Thanks to everyone who donated a $1 for shamrock painting today.  There were a lot of kids with shamrocks on their faces!!!!  We will have our Cadets for a Cause event on May 9.  More information will be coming home in weeks to come.

The committee would like all students to learn the UNI Interlude Dance for that day. We will practice it at home but I wanted to send you a link as week.  If you want you can practice the dance with your child at home :)  If the link doesn't work you can search it on YouTube under UNI Interlude Dance

UNI Interlude Dance

A Review of the Week

Wow...can you believe this weather???  The kids are REALLY enjoying it and are "complaining" how hot it is outside!!!!!  I sure hope it sticks around.  A quick reminder - it is cool on the playground before school so please remember to send a jacket with your child.  I also heard it might cool down next week so please make sure they are wearing appropriate clothes.

I BIG thank you to the families that came to our Tech open house night.  It was fun to see your child show you some of the things we do in our classroom.  Everything your child showed you is accessible at home if you have internet.  There are links on the blog to get to the various sites.

We have finished up our 4th unit in Lead 21 and we will begin our next inquiry project.  Since this unit focused on seasons and weather the students will be investigating a season and the weather associated with that season.  They will do research and create a project on the computer.  They will work on this all next week with a partner.  Once they are completed I will try and link them to the blog.  We will also take our quarterly benchmark assessment next week.  This assessment will cover the comprehension and vocabulary strategies that were taught in units 3 and 4 of Lead 21.  I plan to start unit 5 the following week.  Since next week is a short week and an inquiry project week there will not be word work. 

In math we are in the middle our fraction unit.  This is REALLY challenging for most students.  For most students this is a new concept so please remember that this is a beginning skill for your child.  When the homelinks come home please help your child as needed.  Also, when your child is stumped please encourage him/her to use counters to help with the problem.

On a behavioral note, I continuously need to remind my 2A kiddos to listen and be respectful when someone is talking.  I had a sub last week when I went to Ankeny for a school visit and she also commented how chatty they were.  I would really like to see ALL students work on this.  It's really hard to get things accomplished when I am reminding them to listen.  I also talked with students about table manners.  I have reports daily of students kicking, talking loud, using inappropriate words, or eating inappropriately at lunch.  Please chat with your child regarding these things.  Thanks!!

I hope everyone has a super weekend!  Enjoy the beautiful weather!!!!!!!!