Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Time is Flying!

WOW!!! Where has the time gone?? I can't believe it is already December 1. We only have 14 days until Christmas break and I have A LOT to get accomplished.

During Daily 5 time we have started a new comprehension strategy: making connections. Students learned that if they can connect the book to their life or an experience they have had they can better understand the story and know how the character may be feeling during the story. I have ready several stories to the kids and have told them my connections to the stories. They are just starting to practice this themselves. When your child is reading with you at home encourage him/her to stop and make connections throughout the story.

Please remember to have your child read nightly for 15-20 minutes. I know everyone is busy but it's important that they "show off" their reading skills to you as well.

Your child may have mentioned that we are not doing Word Work this week. It's true!! I didn't get a lesson taught last week due to the short week. We will resume Word Work next week.

I continue to have busy little beavers during writing time. I read to them Thank you Mr. Falker on Monday and demonstrated how writers can write about an important person. Your 2A child did this and did an amazing job!! They now know that they can continue to write about important people in their lives during Writer's Workshop time.

****We have our Mega Party on Tuesday, December 14th and I am in search of volunteers to help out! Second grade has their party with first graders from 12:45-1:50. I would need help from 12:30-2:00.

I believe our newly formed PTO sent out an email asking parents to volunteer to help at this celebration by either monitoring the equipment, making popcorn, or just supervising. If you are interested, please let me know ASAP. You can either email me, call me, or send a note with your child if you are interested. Thank you ahead of time!!!

I hope everyone has a super weekend and I hope you all continue to stay healthy!!

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